2020-01-23 Naviga

How to Fuel Ad Sales with Your Tech Stack

As media consumption habits have shifted toward digital, so to have advertising dollars. Those advertising dollars, the life blood of any media house, have landed with some of the biggest digital platforms in the world – the Googles, Facebooks and Amazons.

As media consumption habits have shifted toward digital, so to have advertising dollars. Those advertising dollars, the life blood of any media house, have landed with some of the biggest digital platforms in the world – the Googles, Facebooks and Amazons. They have massive reach, so brands and businesses have flocked to just try to break through.

So, where is the opportunity for traditional publishers? Well, their audience is still incredibly hungry for content. Audiences may not be subscribers to printed paper, but they are checking out websites – consuming content at an incredible rate. Local still matters in this wide-open world and that is where the opportunity lives.

Yet, many publishers cannot take advantage. A major reason for this is they are relying on legacy tools for today’s and tomorrow’s opportunities. They have no way of getting the most out of their digital inventory. Many have tried to bolt on separate tools to their current on-premise, print-only systems, but just create double work and more disconnection.

Also, as media houses shift toward new revenue streams, like events, their systems cannot evolve. Publishers should be empowered and enabled by their sales systems, not locked into old ways and processes.

So, where you do start? How do you evolve your tools and systems to better monetize your content and audience? Well, we’re here to help. In How to Fuel Ad Sales with Your Tech Stack, we’ll dive into the opportunity presented and what steps to take to get moving.